Bar Map Pattaya

Why Mega Map?

The Mega Map was started partly out of curiosity and partly out of frustration!

Following COVID a lot of bars and clubs had closed down but Google Maps still displayed them as open, because let’s face it, no one is going to bother to tell Google they’re out of business.

This was a problem not only for people trying to find places that are still open post-COVID but for new businesses trying to open and get placed on Google Maps. As having old businesses listed in the same location is just plain annoying.

So after living in Pattaya through most of COVID and seeing how much the city had changed, The Mega Map started with a simple spreadsheet.

Who was still open? That was the question!

Google Maps didn’t help to give a definitive answer. Facebook and Instagram helped to see who’s still open, if the business has posted recently or not, but mostly walking about and taking a look was the only way to get an answer.

The next step was how to display what we’d found, a map obviously being preferable to a spreadsheet, and once the map had started to take shape it just seemed logical that others might find it as useful as we have.

So here it is, The Mega Map! Just an ever-growing map of bars in Pattaya.
We aim to keep it as up-to-date as possible, we’ll add new bars as they pop up and remove the ones that close.

Hopefully you enjoy our map and please feel free to send us an email if you think we’ve missed something.

Check out our most up to date Pattaya Bar Map here.